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Toll Guide

Toll guide

Toll rates on BAKAD for 2024

According to the Order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 4, 2023 No. 490 “On the use of a section of the public road of republican significance “Big Almaty Ring Road” (BAKAD) on a toll basis”

  • Regardless of the distance traveled within 1 (one) hour

Passenger vehicles, buses (places)

  • - Proposed tariff according to feasibility study, tenge : 258,44 (0,07 MSI)
    - Subscription fee, tenge (Taking into account the MSI for 2024)
    Monthly : 1.846 (0,5 MSI)
    Annual : 18.460 (5 MSI)
  • - Proposed tariff according to feasibility study, tenge : 295,36 (0,08 MSI)
    - Subscription fee, tenge (Taking into account the MSI for 2024)
    Monthly : 2.215,20 (0,6 MSI)
    Annual : 22.152 (6 MSI)
  • - Proposed tariff according to feasibility study, tenge : 516,88 (0,14 MSI)
    - Subscription fee, tenge (Taking into account the MSI for 2024)
    Monthly : 3.692 (1 MSI)
    Annual : 36.920 (10 MSI)
  • - Proposed tariff according to feasibility study, tenge : 590,72 (0,16 MSI)
    - Subscription fee, tenge (Taking into account the MSI for 2024)
    Monthly : 5.538 (1,5 MSI)
    Annual : 55.380 (15 MSI)
  • Monthly calculation index (MCI) for 2024 = 3.692 tenge

    The subscription fee is provided for car owners registered in the BAKAD zone - Karasai, Ili and Talgar districts

Freight vehicles (tons)

  • - Proposed tariff according to feasibility study, tenge : 295,36 (0,08 MSI)
    - Subscription fee, tenge (Taking into account the MSI for 2024)
    Monthly : 2.215,20 (0,6 MSI)
    Annual : 22.152 (6 MSI)
  • - Proposed tariff according to feasibility study, tenge : 516,88 (0,14 MSI)
    - Subscription fee, tenge (Taking into account the MSI for 2024)
    Monthly : 3.692 (1 MSI)
    Annual : 36.920 (10 MSI)
  • - Proposed tariff according to feasibility study, tenge : 590,72 (0,16 MSI)
    - Subscription fee, tenge (Taking into account the MSI for 2024)
    Monthly : 5.538 (1,5 MSI)
    Annual : 55.380 (15 MSI)
  • - Proposed tariff according to feasibility study, tenge : 738.40 (0,2 MSI)
    - Subscription fee, tenge (Taking into account the MSI for 2024)
    Monthly : 7.384 (2 MSI)
    Annual : 73.840 (20 MSI)
  • - Proposed tariff according to feasibility study, tenge : 812,24 (0,22 MSI)
    - Subscription fee, tenge (Taking into account the MSI for 2024)
    Monthly : 9.230 (2,5 MSI)
    Annual : 92.300 (25 MSI)

Public road of republican significance (section) "Big Almaty Ring Road" (BAKAD) km 00+000 - km 66+000 I-a category:

  • Subscription fee – a toll to encourage users of toll roads (sections) to grant the right to pay a fixed toll rate for the passage of vehicles on toll sections of roads for a certain period of time, which are registered in the administrative-territorial unit (district of the region) adjacent to a toll road (section) of republican significance, in the form of a subscription for a period of one month or a subscription for one year.
  • Subscription fee can be issued for vehicles registered in Karasai, Ili, Talgar districts of Almaty region.
  • Subscription fee is determined for vehicles according to vehicle type and load capacity. The above subscription types are provided.
  • The concessionaire, in order to inform users about the passage on the toll road (section), notifies through the contact center, the number of which is indicated in the Public Agreement and/or on the Concessionaire's Internet resource.
  • Contact center - a functional area of the Concessionaire that processes requests from users through voice communication channels, electronic and postal services, as well as works with user requests in online chat mode (the contact center number is indicated in the Public Agreement or on the Internet resource).
  • Toll for travel on a toll road (section) is made by the user in the following ways: on advance payment by depositing funds to the account according to the state registration plate number of the vehicle using the toll collection system established by the Concessionaire; post-payment, for the repayment within seven (7) calendar days of the debt that arose after entering the toll road (section) managed by the concessionaire and fixing the vehicle with Free glow gantries in their operation area.
  • The cost of the trip is charged according to the time spent on the toll road (section) and the type of vehicle, and does not depend on the route traveled by the vehicle.
  • Toll system type – gantries under open type Multi-lane Free Flow (MLFF).


There is a Subscription fee for owners of cars registered in the BAKAD passing zone : Karasai, Illiysk and Talgar Districts

  • How to sign up for a subscription service?
Go to sign up


Tolling on the BACAD by the user is made in the following ways:

  • Pre-payment : by depositing money into the account on the state registration license plate (SRNZ) of the motor vehicle prior to entering the BACAD
  • Post-payment : for repayment within seven (7) calendar days of the debt incurred after the entrance to the BAKAD and fixation of the vehicle by the control arches in the area of their operation

Payment is available via:


Halyk Bank

Bank Center Credit