How to pay a toll?
Payment is available via online banking systems of Kaspi Bank, Halyk Bank and Bank CenterCredit. If the banking systems are not available with the user, payment can be processed via website using Visa and Mastercard, as well as using Qiwi wallet.
Tolls can be paid with the following approaches:
- Pre-payment : top up of funds based on the license plate number of a vehicle prior to entering the BAKAD road
- Post-payment : to repay via post payment within seven (7) calendar days after the use of the BAKAD road and the vehicle recording by the control gantries in the area of its functioning
- Debts payment : to settle debts after using the BAKAD road, payments must be made in the "Debt Payment" section of the Kaspi, Halyk, and Qiwi apps.
For the owners of vehicles registered in the BAKAD road alignment area – Ili and Talgar districts – subscription fee is envisaged
Payment is available via:
Violation payment : After seven(7) days:
If the debt exceeds 7 (seven) calendar days, please make a payment in the "Debt Payment" section of the Kaspi and Halyk apps or in the Qiwi app.
Halyk Bank
Bank Center Credit